It’s a standoff.

And the ultimate insult has been thrown into the gauntlet. You’ve just been called…

A liar.

Wait. What did you do? You told your friend you were busy and couldn’t hang out just because you wanted to veg in bed all Sunday?

Sure, you lied. But I don’t think you’re a bad person.

At Pants on Fire, I dissect lies.

Every week I examine a lie that a politician, a business leader, or a corporation told. If you want to get a head start on some reading you can check out a story about the lies Supreme Court Justices told to get on the bench or the lies start-up founders told to squeeze money out of the sharks on Shark Tank.

But I believe what’s more important than the lies that come out of our mouths are the lies swimming around in our heads. Which is why sometimes I venture inwards and talk about the lies I’ve told… to myself.

Thursdays, 4pm EST. Make it a date, in your inbox.

What you can expect from subscribing to Pants on Fire:

  1. A full wallet (it’s free, you ain’t losing money)

  2. An internal lie detector, able to spot a lie from a mile away

  3. A better understanding of the lies you might be telling… to yourself

I think we’re all liars because we’re not yet comfortable with the lies we’re telling ourselves. Spoiler alert, we lie to ourselves a lot. I believe coming to terms with all the lies we’re telling is the fastest path towards becoming more at peace in our own heads. 

But who cares about being at peace, right? What about becoming a better leader, moving up the ladder, and getting ahead? 

Fret not, fire pants. At Pants on Fire we fine tune our lie detection, which helps us lead sincerely and network diplomatically. By analyzing the subtlety of lies, and squashing them out, we leave room for honest conversations. Honesty = Trust. Trust = Approval.

If you want to get ahead, the work starts in your own head.

What do you say, join me on the quest for lies?

Subscribe to Pants on Fire

Everyone's lying. I'm here to pick up the pieces.


World building writer + actor who tells stories about villains and what makes them devious.